


Es gibt zwei Dinge, auf denen das Wohlgelingen in allen Verhältnissen beruht.

Das Eine ist, dass Zweck und Ziel der Tätigkeit richtig bestimmt sind.

Das Andere aber besteht darin, die zu diesem Endzweck führenden Handlungen zu finden.

 Aristoteles 384 v. Chr.  Bis 322 v. Chr.




Projektmanagement kommt in Zeiten des Wandels eine besondere Bedeutung zu:



- Dynamische Märkte mit äußerst kurzen Produktlebens-, Produktentwicklungs- und Innovationszyklen


- Technologische Innovationen an Entwicklungen (disruptiv)


- Notwendige, extreme Kundenausrichtung und die Individualisierung von Produkten, Service und Dienstleistungen


- Rasant entwickelnde Informationsbereitstellung und vereinfachte Kommunikation


- Matrix- und dezentrale Organisationen



machen Projekte unabdingbar.



Ein effektives Projektmanagement ist Garant dafür, diese Herausforderungen erfolgreich umzusetzen.





Erfahrung aus 25 Jahren Projektmanagement helfen ihrem Unternehmen,

die notwendigen ziele zu definieren und diese effizient und erfolgreich umzusetzen.


Auch in die Rettung verkorkster Projekte kann ich Sie unterstützen.




Auszug aus meinen Referenzen im Bereich Projektmanagement
Christophe Debou
Director (KUGLER MAAG CIE CEE, Krakow, Poland), SEI certified CMMI Instructor (Development, Services)

Wolfgang was involved from the early beginning from the requirements gathering for a call for tender up to the deployment of our network management platform INSIGHTNET at O2. We really appreciated his professionalism and level of expertise in the subject. He has been a perfect interface between us as software provider and the end customer. Beyond his expertise, his great personality facilitated a lot the cooperation.


Ryszard Mikocki

Head of Department (Comarch SA)


Cooperation with Wolfgang this is real pleasure. He is very effective and well-organized manager. Perfect inter-personal skills and sense of business cause he reaches every target.
His profession area is telecommunication. He presents highest level of technical and market knowledge.
During all years of cooperation I never heard from Wolfgang and he never accepted to hear word "impossible" :)


Marek Cienkiewicz MBA, PMP
Global IS Department Manager for Application Technology at ABB



I met Wolfgang for the first time when I joined the project he was managing from side of our customer. It was a difficult situation when a problem appeared, few parties were involved and we had no idea how to solve it.

Wolfgang appeared and within next minutes he was asking short, very goal-oriented questions and made quick decisions which helped us to overcome the issue.

From that point in time I have been working with Wolfgang for 3 years. I know him as a project leader focused on solving issues, able to make right decisions and take responsibility for them. His attitude has always been very proactive and friendly; thanks to this he motivated me and my team.



Jörg Bludau



Head of E2E Service Operation at Telefónica Germany



Wolfgang is very experienced and professional. He has a very wide knowledge in all parts of telecommunication and IT business.
I know him as a project leader solving issues and being pro-active in sense of finding pragmatic solutions.
He is very friendly and motivated and was really part of our Team.

I would like to recommend Wolfgang as business partner to bring projects to success.


Pierre Schubert            



Manager Partner Management at Telefónica Germany



Wolfgang is a strong project oriented team player with the ability to specify complex processes in manner that projects can profit from and the scope of work is well described. He is an absolute expert on consultancy services.


Zoran Gardijan


Manager Operations Support Systems (Telefonica/o2 Germany)



Wolfgang manages projects with great motivation, looking at necessary details but always keeping in mind the goal itself.

Wolfgang helped also a lot bringing his technical experience especially when it comes to requirements for an optimal solution.

He is not only managing requirements but is very successful in designing the solution.

Wolfgang is always able to motivate his team also in hard project phases.




Projektmanagement - mit System